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Secrets to a Happy Life



I always consider myself an incredibly happy person. I frequently create fun, amazing and happy experiences and memories. I have a deep appreciation for the ability to wake up every day with a healthy body, mind and soul. I cherish the present moment as much as possible and I’m enjoying every part of the journey towards fulfilling my Mission and Destiny that was bestowed upon me. 


The True Meaning of Happiness

“Happiness is the emotional state or feeling of intense joy, well being, contentment and fulfillment”  - Very Well Mind 

To me, happiness is being truly present in the moment, you're pleased with the choices you’ve made and admire / appreciate the person you are. You feel like you're living in Heaven and all your dreams have come true. You’ve accomplished and will keep accomplishing everything you want in life. You are optimistic and grateful even in the worst situations.




Happiness Leads to Success

There is crystal clear evidence that happy people are more successful throughout their life because our brains function significantly better in a positive mood rather than a negative one.

Studies have proven that being happy improves memory, retention, creativity, productivity, problem solving and boosts work performance. These are all traits that make a successful person successful.

Being happy will also provide many major mental and physical health benefits. It's proven that happy people have less stress, live healthier lifestyles, have improved hearts, immune systems, and  an increased life expectancy.


The Longest Study on Happiness

For 75 years Harvard tracked the lives, development and happiness of 724 men: They discovered that almost half of our happiness is based on genes (some people are predisposed to be more upbeat than others) and another forty percent is based on the decisions we make. 

Most importantly, the study found that the Key 🔑 to living a happier, physically healthier and longer life is being connected to family, friends and community. But it's not about how many friends you have or if you're in a committed relationship, it's the quality of the relationships that matters. 

Successful relationships are built on mutual love, trust, loyalty, respect, ability to forgive, open-communication, compromising, appreciation & positivity. A great way to test if you have a quality relationship is asking yourself can I depend on that person in times of need? 

It’s easy to create memories of a lifetime with people that you love, or have a good connection with. Nothing else in the world should matter when you are with them, you are truly present in the moment. But how do you sustain happiness when you're alone? Follow these 11 Golden Rules to stay happy consistently.


Sunset 2


11 Golden Rules To Stay Happy


 1. Maximize Your Potential in Life 

Define your Mission in life and set goals every day, week, month & year to accomplish this Mission. It requires focus, consistency, time management, self-discipline and a growth mindset. But the journey to accomplishing your Mission in life will give you the most blissful, successful and content feelings that you’ll ever experience.


 2. Embrace the Present

The past is in the past, the future is unknown, all you have is the present. Make sure everyday is meaningful and fulfilling. Live with intention. Practice a past time that you love. Make sure your work satisfies you. Don't dwell on past accomplishments. And smile :) at least 3 times a day.


 3. Express Gratitude Daily!

The secret to having it all is being thankful for that you already do. Be thankful for each day because everyday has its own blessings. That breath you just took… That's a gift. 


 4. Release Negativity

Letting go of all negative thoughts, stress, people and past experiences in your life is a sign of growth. Time is your most valuable resource, it shouldn’t be wasted with any negativity.


 5. Embrace Criticism

The faster you stop caring about other people's opinions, the happier, luckier and more confident you’ll feel. Let people judge you anyway they want because at the end of the day, who cares??

Additionally, you should never compare yourself to others because you can’t be better than someone else, you can only become the best version of yourself .


 6. Live With Morals, Values & Integrity

Everyone has their own set of beliefs of what is right and wrong. However, preserving integrity requires living in accordance with your deepest sets of beliefs, honesty to yourself and others, and always keeping your word. 


 7. Enjoy the Simple Things 

Finding pleasure in the small things will help you find satisfaction and happiness in the big things. Take time to watch the sunrise or sunset, enjoy a well-cooked meal, listen to good music, enjoy a long warm shower, etc.


 8. Spread Happiness

The more you make others happy: The happier you will be. Share your love, laughter, be generous and try to make at least 3 people smile :) every day. 


 9. Live a Healthy Lifestyle

Try to get 7-8 hours of quality sleep a night. Eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits & veggies. Drink enough water. Meditate. Get 1-2 hours of physical exercise and challenge yourself to be uncomfortable everyday. 


 10. Love Yourself

To truly be happy, you must love and appreciate yourself in all aspects. Peace of mind. Don’t spoil what you have by desiring what you don't have; Remember that what you have now was once the things you only hoped for. 


 11. Give Back to Earth 🌎

Giving back to the planet is the easiest way to inspire happiness in your life. What you put out into the Universe with no expectation in return, is gonna come back to you in ways you can’t even understand.




Remember This!

Being happy is the most important emotion for living a loving, fulfilled, satisfied  and successful life that you can look back at and be incredibly proud of. Your happiness makes the world a better place for everybody because it helps yourself, the people around you and the planet. Make daily happiness your overarching goal in life and watch all your problems go away. 


Happy List 

Create a list of 22 hobbies, people, places, music, food, etc, that make you the happiest. Now go do some of these and keep doing them. 

Ask yourself what has been stopping you from doing these activities in the first place? Time, transportation, communication, etc, getting in your way? Figure out a solution, after all, these are the things that make you the most happy in life.